Warranty Claim Procedure
In the event that equipment provided by Sigma Thermal fails to perform as defined by the Limited Warranty provisions in the Sigma Thermal Standard Terms and Conditions (see below), buyer should notify Sigma Thermal Customer Service in writing of the performance deficiency within 5 business days of becoming aware of the deficiency. A Sigma Thermal Customer Service Representative will contact buyer’s representative within 2 business days for the purpose of clearly defining and validating the performance deficiency. Buyer bears the responsibility for providing the Sigma Thermal Customer Service Representative clear and substantive supporting evidence for the purpose of validating any performance deficiency. Following the investigation and validation of the performance deficiency the Sigma Thermal Customer Service Representative will provide to buyer, in writing, a detailed resolution to the performance deficiency in strict accordance with the Limited Warranty provisions.
Should the resolution for correcting any performance deficiency require the buyer to incur cost covered by the Limited Warranty provisions, Sigma Thermal will reimburse buyer for such cost. Any such cost must be presented in detailed fashion to the Sigma Thermal Customer Service Representative for review and approval prior to commencing work. Any cost incurred by buyer prior to review and approval of the Sigma Thermal Customer Service Representative will be the sole responsibility of buyer. Any cost incurred by buyer in excess of cost approved by the Sigma Thermal Customer Service Representative will be the sole responsibility of buyer. In the event that buyer requires an alternative resolution to that proposed by Sigma Thermal for any performance deficiency, buyer will bear the sole responsibility for all cost exceeding the cost of the resolution proposed by Sigma Thermal.
Note: Certain customer specified parts may have long lead times therefore Sigma Thermal strongly recommends that such parts be purchased as spares to reduce system down time. This enables replacement of spare parts rather than production essential parts.